Neck Lift

Conveniently located to serve the areas of London,Dubai and Doha

Dr. Turner no longer offers this procedure. Please check out our other Facial Rejuvenation procedures available.

Neck Surgery London

There are a few immediate spots where you’re likely to notice aging faster than anywhere else on your body – your face, your hands, and your neck. Loose skin may suddenly appear under your jaw and chin, leaving you with a complete lack of definition. Often you may see bands traveling vertically along the neck, creating the dreaded turkey-neck appearance. Fortunately, whatever your concern with your neck, at Dr. Aoife Turner Plastic Surgery, we can help with a number of different neck surgery and non-surgical options.

Your Neck Surgery and Non-Surgical Options

If you’re looking for a quick way to take years off your appearance, addressing the issues with your neck is a good way to do it. We offer a number of choices specifically designed to treat your neck. Take a look at a few:

  • Facial Liposuction: A great way to increase definition, this neck surgery choice takes some of the problem fat away that you’ve been trying to eliminate for years. It’s a fast choice that could have you home in just a few hours, and you’ll begin to notice the difference immediately.
  • Lifting Procedures: Available as both a surgical and non-surgical option, this choice can help eliminate the loose, sagging skin that is so frustrating for many patients. With careful treatment, you could look years younger. These procedures are often available with just a local anaesthetic, and you’ll be able to go home the same day.
  • Non-Surgical Options: Depending on exactly what kind of results you hope to see, we also offer a number of non-surgical options to help treat your neck area and give it the younger appearance you want.

Book Your Consultation Now

No matter what your biggest concern about your neck, our team will tailor a neck surgery or non-surgical treatment to suit your needs striving to achieve that youthful rejuvenated neck you desire. Whether it’s neck surgery you want to consider or one of our many other options, we’re here to help you make the right choice. The process begins with a consultation session.

During your appointment, we’ll work to learn more about your appearance goals after your procedure. We’ll also discuss your past medical history and a bit about your current health status. We may perform a physical exam as well to ensure you’re healthy enough for surgery. Throughout the entire process, we’ll talk more about what’s available for you, how it might help, and what recovery looks like for each procedure. We offer a low-pressure environment so no matter how you choose to move forward, we’ll be here to support you.

If you are interested in transforming your neck through neck surgery or other means, don’t hesitate to contact us. We will perform a comprehensive consultation and work with you every step of the way to help you achieve beautiful natural results in our comfortable state of the art Harley Street clinic. Make your neck surgery consultation appointment with us today.