Gynecomastia (Male Breast Lift)

Conveniently located to serve the areas of London,Dubai and Doha

Gyneconastia (Male Breast Reduction) London , Doha & Dubai

It’s not a condition you hear about frequently, but it can be frustrating to the men who suffer with it on a daily basis. Gynecomastia occurs when breast tissue swells in boys or men. It can affect just a single breast or both of them, and it’s often devastating. At Dr Aoife Turner Plastic Surgery, we specialise in male breast reduction surgery. London’s Harley Street is home to our clinic, and within a few hours, you could get the results you’ve always wanted. Restore masculine chest contours with gynecomastia (male breast lift) by Dr. Aoife Turner. Enhance confidence in London, Dubai & Doha.

Before and After Photos

What Causes Male Breasts?

During puberty, many males develop fatty tissue in the breast area. Typically it disappears with a few years, but for some men, it remains. That extra tissue can be caused by hormones during puberty or even prescription drugs or marijuana usage. No matter what the cause, though, the result is a very feminine look to the male upper body, and sometimes even with diet and exercise, it simply never disappears. You may not be familiar with this problem because most men do what they can to hide it. It’s estimated, though, that nearly 50% of men suffer with it at some point. If you’re in that number, contacting Dr Aoife Turner Plastic Surgery for a consultation session is the right move forward. We’ve been handling male breast reduction surgery in London for decades, and we’ll be happy to help connect you with the right solution to meet your needs.

Male Breast Reduction Surgery in London – The Process

Gynecomastia London , Doha & Dubai

Wondering how it works? Male breast reduction surgery in London typically utilises third generation high definition liposuction techniques like Vaser to completely eliminate the fatty breast tissue. Vaser uses ultrasound technology to wholly liquify the fatty tissue, then it is expelled from the body using an aspirator.

Often men choose to couple breast reduction surgery with abdominal surgery to get rid of unwanted fatty deposits in that area too. Thanks to the highly targeted liposuction techniques at Dr Aoife Turner Plastic Surgery, you’ll see contour, definition, and more after the surgery is complete.

Is Male Breast Reduction Surgery Right For You?

Good candidates for this procedure are typically those who are in good health and do not have any pre-existing medical conditions. Those who currently use certain medications may not be right for this procedure, but during your consultation session, we’ll discuss all of your options.

Your Consultation Session

Think the best option is male breast reduction surgery? London doctors like Dr Turner will tell you the best way to make a decision is to book a consultation. Here, you’ll have a chance to discuss your goals and what you hope to see after the surgery. Every patient is an individual, so we’ll help you decide on a treatment plan that will truly work to meet your needs.

During the consultation, we’ll talk about your medical history, conduct a physical exam, and go over the procedure itself to help give you the information you need.

Male breast reduction surgery. London residents just like you have relied on it for years to make a difference in their lives. The time to move forward is now.