Upper Blepharoplasty

Conveniently located to serve the areas of London, United Kingdom and Hamburg, Germany

Upper Blepharoplasty london uk

An upper eyelid blepharoplasty is a surgical procedure that removes excess skin and fat and repairs muscles above the eye to create a rejuvenated look. Patients looking to address especially pronounced cases of ptosis, or drooping in this area, along with forehead lines and furrows may require a brow lift. This procedure also improves skin and muscle tension, reduces the appearance of wrinkles, and enhances your field of vision. When these two procedures are combined, patients can see improved contours that rejuvenate the appearance of the entire face. 

Normal ageing or genetics causes the loss of collagen and elastin. Decreased levels of these essential proteins in our skin lead to the skin laxity above the eyes and in other regions of the face. By choosing an upper eyelid blepharoplasty with a brow lift, you can see a more contoured profile. London-based Dr Aoife Turner is committed to helping people become the best versions of themselves. A consultation will help envision your life with a refreshed look. Schedule your consultation online, or call +44 20 3883 8174 to make an appointment.

Before and After Photos

About Upper Blepharoplasty

Our faces can reveal who we are and how we feel. However, excess skin above our eyes may give us a tired or angry expression, even when we’re in a good mood! Ageing, genetics, and sun exposure can all cause the skin in the upper eyelids to sag. A condition known as ptosis is when weakened muscles and excess eyelid skin hang too low, causing unwanted wrinkles, creases and blocking your vision. An upper blepharoplasty corrects this condition by making a discreet incision at the crease of the upper eyelid. Through this tiny incision, Dr Turner removes excess skin and fat. Once she has addressed the underlying tissue, the incision is then sutured closed. This procedure adjusts tension and leaves the patient with a better field of vision. And, this procedure can safely be performed with local anesthesia. A mild sedative will keep you relaxed, and strategic injections of local anesthesia will keep the treatment area numb for hours after your procedure has ended. This approach allows for a more comfortable experience and a shorter recovery time. 

About Browlift Surgery

browlift london uk

A forehead lift is a customizable procedure that restores a youthful appearance to the forehead and brow. It smooths the appearance of wrinkles, fine lines, and folds. The procedure can also be performed under local anaesthesia and repositions the underlying muscle and soft tissue to create a lifted yet relaxed appearance to your forehead, upper eyelids, and eyebrows. Because everyone is different, Dr Turner uses three techniques to perform a browlift.

Open Brow Lift

This method is sometimes referred to as a coronal or traditional brow lift. This technique uses an incision that starts above the ear and goes across the hairline. [1] Dr Turner carefully lifts the skin off the forehead, removes unwanted tissue and fat, and repositions the muscles at a higher level, if necessary. Excess skin is trimmed and incisions are sutured.

Endoscopic Lift

An endoscopic brow lift is performed using a thin endoscopic device with a camera at the end. Several tiny incisions are made on the scalp to allow Dr Turner to see the forehead’s internal structures and make better changes to the facial muscles. She uses specialized equipment to gently release and elevate the brow tissue. Incisions are then sutured closed. 

Temporal Brow Lift

Otherwise known as a lateral brow lift, this less extensive technique addresses the outer third portion of the eyebrows rather than the full brow. Dr Turner uses a temporal method using incisions at the hairline or at the temple to raise the outer corners of each eyebrow. Incisions are later closed with sutures. 

Benefits of an Upper Blepharoplasty and Browlift

Upper Blepharoplasty london

Upper blepharoplasty and browlift are two different procedures that improve the appearance of the upper face. However, when combined, patients can look forward to a revived, fresh look that enhances the entirety of the face. Combining them not only provides a more dramatic result, but they can also save on recovery time and costs. 

Each procedure presents its own unique benefits

Upper Blepharoplasty

  • Reduces unwanted excess skin on the eyelid
  • Eliminates orbital fine lines and wrinkles
  • Skin irritations caused by folds are eliminated
  • Better visibility
  • Relaxed, natural, sophisticated appearance


  • Creates an awake, alert appearance
  • Restores natural arch in the eyebrows
  • Lessens sagging in the forehead and browline
  • Reduces forehead wrinkles and glabellar lines between the eyebrows
  • Natural-looking, long-lasting results
  • Removes excess fat and skin tissue

Ideal Candidates

Candidates will benefit from either procedure if they are looking to get rid of excess skin, wrinkles, and fine lines in the upper third of the face. Patients experiencing vision problems are especially encouraged to seek treatment. Potential candidates for these treatments are recommended to:

  • Be in good overall health
  • Free of health pre-conditions such as eye trauma, glaucoma, or diabetes
  • Have positive expectations of what either procedure can do
  • Not smoke or be willing to temporarily stop for a few weeks before your surgery and the entire duration of your recovery

Your personal consultation will determine which procedure is right for you. Schedule a consultation appointment at one of our two offices on Harley Street in London. Or, give us a call at +44 20 3883 8174.

Personal Consultation

Dr Aoife Turner Mb, Bch, BAO, FÄ(Ger) FEBOPRASi is a plastic surgeon committed to bringing forth natural-looking results for each patient. She is passionate about the rejuvenation and beautification process and helping patients achieve their ideal aesthetics. Your consultation will take place at one of our offices on Harley Street in tLondon. 

Schedule your consultation now or call +44 20 3883 8174 to reach either of our offices. 

During your personal consultation, you and Dr Turner will have a genuine conversation and discuss your desired outcome. Dr Turner will examine skin elasticity and the degree of ptosis to determine whether an upper blepharoplasty, a brow lift, or both would benefit you best. She will then design a customized treatment plan. After an approach is crafted, we’ll go over the details of the procedures(s) and recovery stage. Just before you leave, we’ll give you a set of preparation steps to complete before your appointment. Please follow them to ensure an optimal experience.


Preparing for your surgery is a straightforward process. Dr Turner gives patients their own personalised set of instructions to follow. Below are some general items to complete before your scheduled procedure.

  • Abstain from tobacco and alcohol: Avoid both for 1 week prior and a few weeks after surgery. They affect blood flow and impact your procedure and the course of your healing. 
  • Modify medication schedule: Patients currently taking blood thinners or anti-inflammatories such as aspirin may be advised to discontinue this medication or other blood-thinning supplements. This is to reduce your risk of bleeding and bruising during and after surgery. 
  • Fill medications beforehand: Pick up prescriptions ordered by Dr Turner before the date of your surgery so that you have them on hand.


An upper blepharoplasty and brow lift are two distinct procedures that concentrate on the upper third of your face. Here is how your treatment will take place with either of them.

Upper Blepharoplasty

Upper Blepharoplasty london

Your upper eyelid surgery is performed under local anaesthesia for your comfort. A local anaesthetic injection will be placed around the upper eyelid to make the area numb throughout the entire procedure. Unlike general anaesthesia, a local anaesthetic is highly beneficial when used for smaller areas of the body. The patient is not fully asleep, but is extremely relaxed and won’t feel discomfort, or even remember the details of the procedure later. 

Dr Turner begins by making a careful incision at the eyelid crease. Excess skin and fat are removed using a cautery tool or laser device. Some patients may need a small amount of the muscle that closes the eyelid (orbicularis oculi) to be removed as well. [3] The fat deposits are removed to create a better contour, however, just enough skin is left intact in the middle of the eyelid for proper tension and function. When finished, the cut edges are brought together and sutured.  Upper eyelid surgery is completed in about two hours. 


The browlift is a customized procedure that uses the aforementioned methods to treat the brow line. You will be administered local anaesthesia, and once it takes effect, Dr Turner will begins by making the appropriate incisions. If needed, tissue and muscles underneath the skin will be adjusted for a smooth, revitalized, and long-lasting outcome. Excess skin is then removed followed by closing the incisions with sutures. The procedure can take 1-3 hours to complete. 

Combining an Upper Blepharoplasty with Browlift

Both procedures can be done in the same surgical session. Patients won’t have to bother with two recoveries, and combining the procedures provides comprehensive improvement. 


Patients should rest up for 10-14 days following their upper eyelid blepharoplasty. Mild bruising, swelling, and discomfort may be felt during this time. [3] Please take the medication as directed to minimise pain and apply a cold compress to reduce swelling. Dr Turner will direct you to keep your head elevated when resting. Light work and activities can be resumed in one week; physically demanding work such as exercise can continue in three weeks. Wear eyeglasses instead of contact lenses for a week. 

Patients recovering from a brow lift will be given prescription medication to offset the pain. Bruising and swelling will decrease over the course of 1-2 weeks. Minimize these side effects by keeping your head elevated as much as possible. 


Patients will enjoy a rejuvenated, well-contoured look after receiving an upper blepharoplasty.  Improvements will continue to emerge as swelling and discolouration subside. When they do, you will see a lifted, more alert appearance and experience clearer vision. 


Many factors are considered when determining final costs such as the surgical techniques utilized and additional corresponding procedures. An estimated quote will be provided at your consultation. The National Health Service (NHS) may fund your blepharoplasty surgery if it has been deemed medically necessary. Our office will gladly assist in handling the financial logistics.


  1. Brow Lift Guide. (2014, July 21). ABCS. https://www.americanboardcosmeticsurgery.org/procedure-learning-center/face/brow-lift-guide/
  2. Cosmetic procedures – Eyelid surgery. (2019, May 2). Nhs.uk. https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/cosmetic-procedures/eyelid-surgery/
  3. Olds, C., & Most, S. P. (2019). Upper Blepharoplasty. JAMA, 321(13), 1320. https://doi.org/10.1001/jama.2019.1957